Ageing Resources
All downloadable publications are in pdf format. If you need hard copies of fact sheets, flyers or the Catalyst Foundation brochure, please use the Order Form. Alternatively, you can phone us on (08) 8168 8776 (1800 63 63 68 SA country callers) or email us at .
Residential Aged Care Facilities
Vacancy Lists
Catalyst Foundation no longer provides complete listings of Aged Care Facilities in South Australia. To find Aged Care Facilities anywhere in Australia, visit the Australian Government MyAgedCare Service Finder.
Retirement Housing
- Booklet Rental Independent living units is a list of rental accommodation typically aimed at pensioners who don’t own their own home (means tested)
- List Rental supported living options featuring semi-independent rental accommodation
- Retirement Housing Online Directory
- Retirement villages offering assisted living units
- Retirement housing with Residential Aged Care on site or adjacent
- Residential Parks in SA
Home support
To search for providers of Commonwealth Home Support Program services and Home Care Packages servicing your area visit the My Aged Care website section Find a help at home provider (
If you experience any difficulty with your search contact Catalyst Foundation (including Seniors Information Service) for assistance – tel. (08) 8168 8776 or email
Fact Sheets
All downloadable publications are in PDF format.
If you need hard copies of the fact sheet use the Catalyst Fact sheets and Brochures Order Form phone us on (08) 8168 8776 (1800 63 63 68 SA country callers) or contact us at .
Download My Aged Care Glossary.
Care and Support
- Home support and care options
- Care and support after a hospital stay
- Respite Care
- Transport
- Hiring private care services and tradespeople
Residential Aged Care
- Aged care homes
- Residential Care – Care fees and accommodation payments
- Finding and choosing an aged care home
- Respite Care
Financial Issues
Housing Options
- To move or not to move
- Retirement housing types – Definitions
- Retirement Village housing
- Financial and contractual arrangements in retirement villages
- Community housing and low cost rental
- Residential Parks housing
- Staying longer in your home – Checklist
- Packing up and moving
- Who you should notify when you move – Checklist
- Retirement villages offering assisted living units
- Retirement housing with ACF on site or adjacent
Legal Issues
- Legal Advice and Government Services complaints
- Advance Care Directive and Enduring Power of Attorney
- Advance Care Directive and Enduring Power of Attorney – Aboriginal
- Wills
- Estates and Probate
- Consumer Protection
Independent Living Assistance
- Arthritis management
- Bathroom safety
- Chairs – how to choose
- Dementia – safety in the home
- Dementia – tips for daily living
- Dressing aids and equipment
- Energy conservation
- Falls prevention safety in the home
- Grab rails
- Hoists
- Household appliances – selection
- Joint protection
- Low vision products
- Personal alarms
- Slings
- Using a four-wheeled walker
- Wheelchair safety and etiquette