Our Vision and Purpose

Our Vision
We exist to inform, support and assist all older, vulnerable and disabled persons to achieve better opportunities through self-advocacy, services and support to live their lives as they choose.
Our Purpose
To provide inclusive, timely and enabling information, self-advocacy, services and programs that are accessible to all vulnerable and aged persons to live healthy, active and engaged lives. We support individuals and people who are older, vulnerable or living with disability, their family, friends and carers to:
- Build confidence and capability to manage their daily lives and as far as possible to live independent, socially connected, fulfilled lives.
- Access their community through supporting and advocating for individuals to fully participate in decision making and working together with other professionals and services.
- Meet individual needs of social connection, health, housing, accommodation and daily living.
- Increase wellness and reablement capacity in individuals and support organisations to deliver services through this approach
- Support relief of illness, infirmity, poverty and social disadvantage
Our Values
- We recognise the rights to individual freedom of expression, self-determination and decision making
- We are flexible and responsive to emerging community needs and vulnerability
- We relieve distress and build capability for individuals to self-manage their lives
- We are volunteer friendly emphasising the importance of peer based support where possible as a way of building sustainable capacity and confidence
- We seek regular feedback to inform individual and organisation wide service reviews and improvement.
Our Role
- With a focus on wellness and reablement we seek to build capacity in people to address their own challenges and needs.
- We are an independent organisation that translates complex service systems to a wide variety of people, promoting self-advocacy to access support including building individual capability.
- We are the point of call when people don’t know where to start and provide support to vulnerable groups as they transverse many government systems whilst providing opportunities to build capabilities.
- We recognise that throughout life some people move in and out of states of vulnerability.
- We advocate effectively for services at a systemic level and and assist individuals to connect to services.
Our Clients
- People living in South Australia.
- People living with disability and older people seeking to live independently and be in control of their lives.
- Frail and ageing people and their families and carers needing to access aged care services, respite care, social support and to maintain independence and control in their lives.
- Socially isolated and vulnerable people, through their life experiences of institutional care, racism, sexual and gender identity or socio economic disadvantage who are experiencing emotional and mental anguish.
- Vulnerable communities, including Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islander peoples and controlled organisations, CALD communities and organisations, LGBTIQA+ communities and Veterans.
- New arrivals or long term unemployed people who reside in South Australia who are socially isolated and for whom volunteering is a pathway to employment.
- Vulnerable job seekers seeking assistance with retraining and maintaining wellbeing in times of stress.
- People seeking to improve or learn digital literacy skills.