COVID 19 – Catalyst Information Update - Catalyst Foundation

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COVID-19 is a continually changing situation, and we recommend that you regularly check the SA Health website and Facebook page @sahealth for up to date information.

Other useful resources include:

Coronavirus Health Information Line: 1800 020 080 (24 hour). For translating or interpreting services call 131 450.  

Palliative care clinical resources:
ANZSPM and  CareSearch
WHO updates:
healthdirect hotline: 1800 022 222 (24 hour advice from registered nurse)
Lifeline: 24 Hour Crisis hotline 131114

Office for Ageing Well

Factsheet aimed to provide guidance on the use of community centres/facilities and minimising the risk of COVID-19 spread: click here

Australian Psychological Society (APS)

Tip sheet from Australian Psychological Society (APS) : click here

Exercise resources for self-isolation

Community Care Review has posted a resource by The Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute who have put together some exercise resources for self-isolation. For details, click here.

Gayaa Dhuwi and Covid 19 Advice

The newly established Gayaa Dhuwi (Proud Spirit) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander social and emotional wellbeing, mental health and suicide prevention national leadership body have just gone live with their website:

Advice on COVID-19 can be found here: which includes links to a long and short wellbeing advice/tips PDF:

Hepatitis Information

Hepatitis SA has collated information on COVID-19 and to make access easier they have created a portal for the information in their online catalogue.

Click here to go to the library home page– which will be updated on a regular basis.

To check on the most up-to-date list go to
(and refine the results from links on the left hand side – by author, topic, format, etc)

Cancer Australia

Cancer Australia has released a dedicated hub providing COVID-19 information for people with cancer, health professionals and researchers, which includes a repository of up-to-date, evidence-based resources and guidance from some of the most trusted sources in Australia and around the world.

People with compromised immune systems or pre-existing medical conditions, including cancer, may be at increased risk of contracting coronavirus (COVID-19) and increased risk of more severe infection. To learn more please click here.

Community Visitor Services

The Community Visitors Scheme (CVS) is a free service that has provided friendship and companionship to isolated Australians for nearly 30 years. The scheme matches a volunteer visitor with isolated senior Australians who are accessing the aged care system.

The scheme is run across all states, with over 13,000 volunteer visitor places each year for those accessing residential and home care, including an LGBTI CVS service in 4 states fostering intergenerational friendships within the LGBTI community.

With social isolation increasing as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, there are more vulnerable older Australians accessing aged care services who are at risk of becoming lonely, posing potential risks to their mental health.

Please refer those in your care who may be isolated to CVS by contacting the CVS network member in your state or territory.

New COVID-19 Red Cross Telecross REDi Service activated for our most vulnerable 

Vulnerable South Australians can opt to receive a free, daily potentially life-saving phone call checking on their welfare by registering  for the Red Cross Telecross REDi service.

People who live alone, are older, frail, live with disability, experiencing mental illness, are recovering from an illness or accident or anyone with an ongoing health condition are encouraged to register by calling 1800 188 071 or by email at

Training Modules for Aged Care workers

Five modules are available for completion as part of the Department of Health and Aged Care’s eLearning program for Aged Care workers. The training includes Personal Safety, Families and Visitors, Outbreak Management and PPE.

Click here to register and access the training modules.

Covid – 19 Advice for Older people including Retirement Villages and Residential Care Facilities

A fact sheet providing information and advice to operators of retirement villages South Australia outlining measures operators should take to reduce Covid-19 risks can be found here:Department of Health and Aged Care – advice for older people

For Older Persons and Residents, SA Health has a dedicated Older Persons Covid-19 support line to provide information and support to older people, their families and carers.

Call 1800 171 866 Monday to Friday, except public holidays, from 8.30am – 6pm

COVID-19 Mental Health Support

The SA Covid-19 Mental Health Support line can be accessed by calling 1800 632 753 or through online chat and is available 8.00am to 8.00pm, 7 days a week, including public holidays.

For urgent or acute mental health concerns, contact

  • Mental Health Emergency Triage Service: Call 131465, available 24 hours, 7 days a week (including public holidays)
  • CAMHS Connect for children and young people: Call 1300 222 647  (1300 2 CAMHS), available 9am to 5pm, Monday  to Friday (except public holidays)
  • Ask PEACE for CALD communities: Call 08 8245 8110, available 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.  Ask PEACE can arrange an interpreter to help understand your issues and concerns 
  • Thirrili for Aborignail and Torres Strait Islander Communities: Call 1800 841 313, available Monday to Friday, including public holidays

COVID-19 trusted sources of information

South Australian COVID-19 Information Line:
1800 253 787 (8am to 8pm, 7 days)

COVID-19 gateway – links to relevant information on state and federal government websites.

COVID-19 information is available on the SA Health website as well as the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care website.

Pharmacies doing ‘ free home delivery’

These links provide information on terms and conditions for the ‘free delivery’’

National Pharmacies


Star Discount Chemist

Guardian Pharmacies

Terry White Chemmart

Chemist Warehouse

Chemist King

Australia Post Pharmacy Home deliveries

SA Health eLearning program for Aged Care workers

SIx modules are available for completion as part of the Department of Health and Aged Care’s new eLearning program for Aged Care workers.

Modules are:

  • Module 1: Personal Safety
  • Module 2: Families and Visitors
    • Part A: Residential Care Facilities
    • Part B: In Home Care
  • Module 3: COVID-19 and Aged Care
  • Module 4: Outbreak Management
  • Module 5: PPE
  • Module 6: Laundry
  • Module 7. Catering

Click here to register and access the training modules

MyAusCOVID-19 : multilingual COVID-19 app by Migration Council Australia

Migration Council Australia has developed a multilingual resource for Australia’s culturally and linguistically diverse communities about COVID-19, its impact and available support. 

MyAusCOVID-19 app

With the MyAusCovid-19 app you can:

  • Browse articles to find out more about COVID-19, tips for prevention, caring for individuals and community, information on government response, and access to health care, financial assistance and support
  • Search for topics or points of interest
  • Viewshort animations with helpful summaries of specific topics
  • Finduseful tips and contacts to help you adjust during COVID-19

 For more details about the app, please click here.

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