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CHSP Resources


An archive of past announcements that have been distributed in the Department of Health and Aged Care’s eNewsletter mailing list.

eNewsletter for the aged care industry

Subscribe to receive the Department of Health and Aged Care’s regular eNewsletter and stay informed of key issues in aged care.

Latest news

News on aged care matters including changes to programs and policies, funding announcements and latest publications.


Participate in webinars hosted by the Department of Health and Aged Care to provide updates to the aged care sector and consumers. If you missed any recent webinars, they can be viewed online.

GEN Aged Care Data

The GEN website provides information and data on aged care. On the GEN website, you can utilise dynamic data products, access aged care reports and publications, and have the ability to request customised data.


Fact sheets, forms, guides and policies, reports and other publications by the Department of Health and Aged Care.

Resources for the sector to share with service providers

Brochures, fact sheets, case studies and more, for you to share with service providers and use in your publications.

Resources for the sector to share with consumers

Content to use in your publications and resources that complement the extensive suite of information currently available at


The department regularly consults with the public and our stakeholders about policies, regulations and issues affecting the aged care sector. View recent public consultations on aged care changes.

Carer Resource Guide by Southern Services Reform Group

The Carer Resource Guide has been developed by the Southern Services Reform Group Co-Production Workgroup to provide information on caring for someone with memory loss or dementia and the various phases of the caring journey.  The Guide was developed because Carers and service providers identified a need and came together to complete a guide which will support other carers who are in similar situations. The beautiful artwork was created to symbolise and express the carer journey.

You can access the resource guide at

You can view the Expressing the Carer Journey Through Art video at

Translated Charter of Aged Care Rights – template for signing

To access the template for signing, click here.

The template is also available in other languages. Click here.

Adding value to governance in aged care

To access the guide, please click here.

Free online resource launched to help deal with coronavirus in aged care

An online educational video ‘COVID-19 and Aged Care’ is available as a resource for staff working in residential aged care, home care or retirement living from Altura Learning.

Altura CEO Yvie Webley said a decision was made to make the educational video free to access for all in the aged care industry to ensure accurate training was available to everyone.

The free resource is available at

COVID-19 Guide for Providers of in home aged care

COVID-19 Guide for Providers of in home aged care. A guide to assist Home Care and Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP). Providers who provide care to older people living at home is now available on the department’s website. This guide provides information and guidance on how to stay safe from COVID-19 including how providers can prepare their organisation, equipment and resources, and how staff and clients can manage COVID-19.Other resources are available to assist the sector including online training modules and a collection of guides and fact sheets. These are being updated as the situation evolves.

Financial assistance to help care recipients meet aged care costs

The following assistance is available to aged care recipients who are having difficulty paying their fees.

  • Care recipients who have experienced a reduction in income and/or assets should contact Services Australia on 1800 227 475 to request an ad hoc review of their aged care fees noting that a change in circumstances does not necessarily result in a change in fees.
  • Care recipients who have paid a partial lump sum deposit can have any remaining daily payments drawn from their lump sum balance to meet their accommodation costs and can request that other fees also be drawn down.
  • Care recipients can receive assistance in understanding their aged care costs and options by contacting Services Australia’s free Financial Information Service (FIS). To make an appointment, phone 132 300 and say “Financial Information Service” when prompted.
  • Care recipients may be able to access the Pension Loans Scheme (PLS). The PLS is a voluntary reverse mortgage through Services Australia that offers older Australians a fortnightly income stream to supplement their retirement income. Care recipients can contact FIS for assistance.
  • Care recipients who are not able to pay their fees may be eligible for financial hardship assistance. Further information is available on the My Aged Care website.

Providing Mental Health first aid in the time of ‘social distancing’

Providing mental health first aid in the workplace, or elsewhere for that matter, can be challenging. The current social restrictions may add some additional challenges. Here are some tips that Mental Health Australia have developed that we hope you will find helpful in your role as a Mental Health First-Aid Officer or Mental Health First-Aider in the workplace or community.

For more details, please click here.

COVID-19 Guide for Home Care Providers

This guide is for providers of aged care and disability services who offer home care and support services to older people living at home and people with a disability living in the community. It provides information and guidance on how to stay safe from coronavirus (COVID-19).

The guide can be found here.

CHSP factsheets available on Department of Health and Aged Care website

The Department of Health and Aged Care has published the following factsheets on their Coronavirus Resources website.

 For clients and families

COVID-19 and the Commonwealth Home Support Programme – information for clients, families and carers

 On Emergency Funding

COVID-19 – emergency funding for Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) providers

 On Flexibility Provisions

COVID-19 – changes to Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) flexibility provisions

 On Other Program Arrangements

COVID-19 – other support and programme initiatives for Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) providers

 These factsheets will continue to be updated by the Department of Health and Aged Care.

COVID-19 & THE CHSP – Information for clients, families and carers

To view the guide, please click here.

Practical Guide by the Northern Seniors Community Ambassadors

Produced by the Northern Seniors Community Ambassadors, this resource is a practical guide with information on the most efficient and safest way to undertake everyday tasks by seniors.

Clever Solutions for Savvy Seniors – Resource Manual

Wellness Workbook for Savvy Seniors

For further information please contact Susantha Athurugiri, Project Coordinator – NCP on 0423 780 403 or

Wellness & Reablement in Practice: A training and learning guide

A Wellness & Reablement guide has been developed by South Australian Collaborative Projects for use by frontline staff delivering the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP).

To view this fabulous resource, please click here.

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