Community housing and low cost rental

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These are affordable options for seniors and other people in low income. However the rental market has been extremely tight and long waiting lists may apply.

Senior-specific rental independent living units are usually provided by not-for-profit organisations, some of which may also provide other types of support and/or offer retirement village units as well.

Community housing providers may cater for specific groups (e.g. pensioners, people with a disability, vulnerable women or young families).

Semi-independent rental accommodation is available form some providers. This often comprises bed-sitter housing with some limited support (e.g. meals, linen) provided as part of the contract.

See our fact sheet Community housing and low cost rental

Catalyst Foundation publishes a booklet containing a list of providers of rental independent living units for seniors with low means. The booklet can be downloaded here

In addition we also publish the list Rental supported living options featuring providers of semi-independent rental accommodation. It can be downloaded here.

The two publications above are also available in hard copy, which can be posted to clients with no/limited Internet access. Contact us on (08) 8168 8776 or at

It is also possible to search for rental units for seniors on our online retirement housing directory, available at

Contact us if you need assistance with searching and retrieving information.

Other useful resources and contacts:

The South Australia Government’s website contains information on housing options including a range of resources on rental accommodation, including community housing.

The Community Housing Industry Association of SA‘s website features resources including an explanation of the the types of community housing providers in South Australia.

Consumer and Business Services – If a resident requires advice or further information about tenancy issues. Tel. 131 882 or email

Homeless Connect SA provides 24/7 state-wide telephone service for anyone experiencing homelessness in South Australia. Available anytime as a free call to help you find information and a direct referral into homelessness services.

South Australian Civil Administrative Tribunal (SACAT) deals with housing disputes including those between private  landlord and tenants, community housing and housing cooperative housing cases and decisions made by Housing SA.

RentRight SA is a free, independent service provided by SYC Ltd, helping people maintain their tenancies in private rental, community housing or public housing (e.g. if facing eviction).

People who are registered with the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) may receive assistance to live independently. This may include home modifications to the participant’s home. The NDIS will only fund Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) for a participant with extreme functional impairment or very high support need.

The Housing Hub is an online resource containing information on disability housing. It includes a portal where people can find disability-friendly properties across Australia.

Nest is another national online resource for people with a disability. It features properties available and an A-Z directory of disability housing organisations.

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