Disability Information Service

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Disability Information Service

The Disability Information Service is a free, independent and personalised phone-based service that provides information on disability services systems such as the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) for South Australian residents. The Disability Information Service can also help you to find and make contact with the services, supports and product suppliers who best suit your requirements. Face-to-face meetings with Disability Information Service staff may be possible under some circumstances.

How we can help

Catalyst Foundation provides a wide range of services to members of the community, including:

  • Information and advice on accessing help at home, aids and equipment, respite or emergency services and post hospital supports
  • Information on a wide range of affordable housing options
  • Assistance with understand and access NDIS
  • Information and support to people who are considering transition from Disability services to Aged care services
  • Information and support to people caring for a person living with disability
  • Catalyst Foundation maintains an information directory which lists services and resources which specifically support people who are living with disability and their family and carers.
  • Community and group presentations
  • Brochures and factsheets
  • Tax Help
  • One on one IT training
  • Information on income support options including Centrelink payments
  • Volunteer and work experience opportunities

What we cannot help with

  • We cannot assess the degree of your impairment for NDIS eligibility purposes. This must be done by your treating doctor / specialist.
  • We cannot do case management.
  • We cannot advocate on your behalf if you experience difficulty when dealing with the National Disability Insurance Agency or any of the service providers. However we can provide you with contact details for the relevant complaint and advocacy services.

Where to start?

Do you have a disability diagnosis?
If you haven’t had a diagnosis, please contact your GP for a referral to a specialist.

Have a diagnosis, but not linked into a disability service system such as the NDIS?
Please give us a call on (08) 8168 8776 and we will lead you through the NDIS eligibility requirements, the roll out of the program in South Australia, and the steps you need to take to test your eligibility. If you do not meet the age restrictions which apply to the NDIS, or if you live in an area where that service is not available yet we can help you explore other options.

Have a diagnosis, linked into a system, but no planner or plan yet?
Please contact us on (08) 8168 8776 and we will help you explore the options available to you.

We are also able to offer specific information and services for people who are members of the following communities:

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